Scape Easy – Landscaping Services – Hand Rails
Hand rails and balustrades are installed to decking, terraces and patios not only to give the area an attractive finishing touch, but often for safety as well.
Sturdy, attractive hand rails constructed by experts in Sheffield!
Your seating area might have steps leading up to it, or perhaps it’s beside a pond, or perhaps it’s a raised platform that sits quite high above the level of your garden. That’s why hand rails and balustrades should be sturdy as well as attractive. And that’s where Scape Easy come in. Our experienced tradespeople create great looking and robust hand rails and balustrades which are functional as well as attractive – and which stand the test of time.
Once you’ve established what sort of decking or terrace you want to incorporate into your outdoor area, it’s time to look at deck railing ideas. You need to consider who’s going to be enjoying your garden: children, elderly relatives, disabled family members? What about pets? You might also have a view that you don’t want to obscure with an over-fancy balustrade, or maybe you just want to zone your outdoor space with something simple? All these things need to be considered before you decide on your deck railings. Scape Easy will be pleased to advise you on what the suitable options are.
Traditional balustrade railing – upright spindles, positioned at equal intervals and topped with a nice wooden handrail – are a popular way to go and they look great on any decking area. These are sturdy and strong, but not too obtrusive: the gaps between the spindles allow natural light to come through, and don’t obscure your view of the garden. On the other hand, depending on the location of your seating area, you might actually want to have panels or slats beneath the handrails for privacy or to obscure a view that you’re not too keen on.
What will it be? Natural-looking stained timber? Or a paint finish to match your wooden window frames? Alternatively, instead of classic timber you might go for one of our contemporary or premium options: glass with stainless steel, or wrought iron. Scape Easy has the expertise, the experience and the range of materials to create exactly what you want. In fact we also add sturdy, attractive hand rails to existing steps and slopes.
If your home is situated within Scape Easy’s catchment area, you can take advantage of some of the best hand rail and balustrade design & build services in this region. Contact us today and find out how we can help. We guarantee you won’t get more attentive tradespeople in Sheffield.
Want to add the finishing touch with quality handrails? Contact us now! Call Scape Easy now on 0114 2309673 or email us at